REAL Life Fitness Upgrade Package
File Type zip file
File Size 187.25 MB
License Master Resell Rights
Product Files MP4, MP3, HTML, PNG, DOCX
Sale Tools yes
Training Methodology For Real Life Application. Real Life Fitness is the ultimate guide for people who want to start exercising to be healthy, move better, and look at their very best all without spending long hours in a gym to look like a fitness supermodel.
What you are about to discover in this guide is everything you need to know about getting started with Real Life Fitness. Plus, you get an exercise program that you can follow starting today.
If you want to get in the best shape of your life, boost your health, improve your general well-being, and lead a better life… then you should grab a copy of Real Life Fitness.
Here are the things you will discover in this practical training:
The real reason why many people are demotivated to workout (and how this simple trick help you combat this problem)
Why you should drop the weights & start working out with your bodyweights
Aiming for the perfect 10/10 body? Here’s why you should drop that idea for now (Chapter One)
Why morning working out will give you better results compared to other times in the day
Why a 15-minutes functional exercise is better than working out for 2 hours in the gym
3 main benefits of doing Real Life Fitness
Read this if you’ve been feeling grumpy & demotivated. This simple technique will help shine positivity back in your life (Chapter 3)
The differences between Real Life Fitness & three other popular types of exercises
Avoid these four common mistakes people make when getting started with Real Life Fitness
Is dieting the main solution for weight issues?
Eight exercises to build your power & strength
Why having massive strength & power will be useless without a good range of flexibility
Three simple exercises to keep you flexible
Tired of running up & down the stairs? If yes, you need to improve the fourth component of Real Life Fitness
Three simple exercises to improve your balance & endurance
This is the Golden Key for those who want to:
Be in the best shape of their life
Boost their health
Improves general well-being
Improves mobility & flexibility
Feel better about their body
Lead a healthier & happier life
Be positive, high-energy, & motivated
Within this package you will find the following modules:
Module 1 – Videos
Module 2 – Upsell Page
Module 3 – VSL
Module 4 – Graphics
Module 5 – Transcripts
Module 6 – Audios