Air Fryer Recipes
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File Size 19.14 MB
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We all want to eat healthier but don’t want to give up the flavor, texture and taste of our favorite foods. That’s why Philips has created the Airfryer! With its unique Rapid Air Technology, the Airfryer grills, bakes, roasts and fries with little to no oil, making it the perfect solution for fast and healthy meals and snacks.
This recipe book features just some of the food that you will be able to cook in your Philips Airfryer. From French fries to chicken wings to muffins, the Airfryer’s ability to fry, roast, bake or grill is almost unbelievable: that is until you’ve tried it.
We hope that you will enjoy using the Airfryer as many others have around the world and the recipes inside inspire you to cook healthy, well-balanced meals for you and your family.
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