ListingPro Directory WordPress Theme

ListingPro Directory WordPress Theme

Version: 2.9.6

ListingPro Directory WordPress Theme

Create a Perfect “Online Directory”

Since 2017 ListingPro Directory WordPress Theme helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs to validate ideas and launch startups project in over 200 countries.

With ListingPro Directory WordPress Theme get your Directory Website in Minutes
Kickstart in just few clicks with an easy setup wizard.Includes required plugins, one-click demos and dummy content.
Instant live suggestions for keywords, categories, listing name, and more.
Location search is City (region) based which can be added manually or Google API.
Easily narrow the search with price group, open now, near me, features.
Enable custom facet types including buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns, price-range, etc.
With ListingPro Directory WordPress Theme is easy and fast to add new business listings from front-end.
Avoid human errors by fetching primary data with Google API.
Every listing owner gets their own dashboard to get insightful data.
From getting daily user views, leads and rating stats to low-rating alerts.

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