Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce

Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce

Version: 4.3.12

Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce

This table rate method for WooCommerce has the ability to add multiple rates for a given customer based on a variety of conditions set by admin. These can include shipping destination, cart subtotal, item shipping class, price, weight, and so much more.
List of Features

Based conditions and prices on groups of products based on:
Individual Products
Cart Line Items
Shipping Class
Works with WooCommerce Shipping Zones
Multiple instances allowed in each zone
Extensive list of conditions:
Surface Area
Shipping Class
Date Range
Day of Week
Multiple conditions allowed in each table row
Numerous cost options:
Flat Price
Percentage of Subtotal
Multiplied by weight, length, width, height, surface area, volume quantity
For every x number of currency, weight, dimensions, and number of products
Multiple Costs allowed in each row to create combinations such as:
Flat fee + percentage for fuel surcharge
Base fee plus additional weight increments
Drag ‘n Drop table rows to control the priority of the conditions and costs
Disable Shipping Taxes per instance
Limit Table Rate methods based on user role
Dimensional weight calculations (volume multiplied or divided by a given number)
Base subtotal conditions inclusive of tax
Base subtotal conditions inclusive of coupons
Round weight to next whole number
Option to hide this method when the Free Shipping method is active
Add description text below the shipping option’s title and price to add more detailed information
Choose which method is selected by default
Hide other options in the same method when customer qualifies for the selected method

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