Uncanny Learndash Groups
The Best Way to Sell, Manage and Report on LearnDash Groups
Get powerful, intuitive group management and reporting for LearnDash.
LearnDash offers a great way to manage access to courses and reporting with its “group” model. It lets site owners assign courses to organizations and schools so that students can be managed collectively instead of individually, and it gives teachers and organization reps access to reporting for their students.
If you use LearnDash Groups for B2B sales, you need Uncanny Learndash Groups
With Uncanny Learndash Groups, users can configure, buy, manage and report on their groups using a powerful front-end interface–freeing you to you focus on growing your business.
Whether you’re building a training program or running your own business, the last thing you want to be spending time on is managing groups or pulling group reports.
Uncanny LearnDash Groups gives group leaders exactly what they need to manage and report on their users – without having to access the confusing /wp-admin interface.
Group Leaders can add and invite users, send password reset emails, and even easily mass email all students in the group.
It lets group leaders enroll users in their group by adding them directly, by uploading a .csv file, or by distributing enrollment keys so that users can self-register.
Save time setting up groups or let customers build and buy their own!
With Uncanny LearnDash Groups and WooCommerce, you can sell groups to organizations: Organizations can choose courses or buy predefined bundles with WooCommerce.