WooCommerce Bookings Availability

WooCommerce Bookings Availability

Version: 1.2.11

WooCommerce Bookings Availability

With WooCommerce Bookings Availability, Sell more bookings by presenting a calendar or schedule of available slots in a page or post.
Display availability of bookings with Blocks Editor

Sell more bookings by presenting a calendar or schedule of available slots in a page or post. Offer a curated selection or all of your products in a format that makes it easier for customers to quickly find a time and date that works for them and add to cart.
Customize products to display

With WooCommerce Bookings Availability you can choose which products are represented in your calendar or schedule:

All Products – Add all bookable products
Specific products – Select a list of individual products
Specific categories/resources – Select one or multiple categories or resources

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